27.41 - He (Solaiman) said: Disguise for her throne, we will see whether she will be guided or will be of those who are not guided. 27.42 - So when she came (to Solaiman), it was said: Is this like your throne? She said: It is as though like it. (Solaiman said): And we were given the knowledge before her, and we were submitters. 27.43 - And she was hindered by that which she used to worship other than Allah; indeed, she was from a disbelieving people. 27.44 - It was said to her: Enter the building; but when she saw it, she thought of it to be a pool and exposed her shins. He (Solaiman) said: Indeed, it is a building made of smooth glass. She said: My Lord! Indeed, I have been unjust to myself, and I submit with Solaiman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 27.45 - And We had certainly sent to Thamud their brother Salih (saying): Worship Allah. And at once they were two teams conflicting. 27.46 - He (Salih) said: O people! Why you hasten for bad before good? Will you seek forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy? 27.47 - They said: We are hopeless of you and those with you. He (Salih) said: Your hopelessness is with Allah, rather you are people who are being tested. 27.48 - And there were in the city nine persons making mischief in the land and not amending. 27.49 - They said: Take an oath by Allah that we will surely assault him and his family by night, then we will say to his guardian: We did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful. 27.50 - And they planned a plan, and We planned a plan while they do perceive.