27.11 - Except one who was unjust and substituted good after evil. And indeed, I am Forgiving, Merciful. 27.12 - And put your hands in your pocket, it will emerge white without harm, in nine sings to Firon and his people. Indeed, they have been disobedient people. 27.13 - And when Our visible signs came to them, they said: This is an obvious magic. 27.14 - And they rejected them, and their minds were convinced unjustly and arrogantly. So look how was the consequence for the mischief makers. 27.15 - And We gave Dawood and Solaiman knowledge, and they both said: Praise be to Allah Who preferred us over many of His believing servants. 27.16 - And Solaiman inherited Dawood, and he said: O People! We have been taught the language of the birds, and we have been given of everything; indeed, this is obvious grace. 27.17 - And gathered for Solaiman, his soldiers of the jinn and the humans and the birds. And they were marching (in rows). 27.18 - Until, when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said: O ants! Enter your homes so you do not get crushed by Solaiman and his soldiers while they do not perceive. 27.19 - So he (Solaiman) smiled laughing of its saying and said: My Lord! Enable me to thank Your grace which You bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do a good deed of which You will be pleased and admit me by Your mercy with Your righteous servants. 27.20 - And he (Solaiman) checked the birds and said: Why I cannot see the hoopoe, or is it among the absents?